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Walk for Justice and Rally, 9am 9 February

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Supporters of justice and democracy

Bernard Collaery has a hearing this Wednesday 9 February and we will be doing something a bit different this time, gathering at 9am at the corner of Rudd St (Pilgrim House) and Northbourne Ave and walking slowly down to the courts on the Northbourne Ave footpath displaying our placards and banners. Senator Rex Patrick will speak at Rudd St, and Bernard and Janet Hunt, Hon Assoc Prof, ANU, will speak at the ACT courts in Knowles Place before the hearing starts at 10am.

The hearing is in relation to the prosecution seeking to provide new, additional evidence to Justice Mossop, and is just a further outrageous strategy to drag the process out and keep it secret.  The High Court is yet to decide whether they will hear the AG’s appeal against the Appeal Court’s judgement being made public in an unredacted form.  Unbelievable that the AG is trying to keep the Appeal Court’s reasoning secret! 
Crucial questions in this whole affair are whether the bugging operation of the Timor-Leste government offices was conducted legally, ie, it had the normal approvals of the National Security Committee and the Foreign Minister, and was also in the national interest of Australia. Presumably the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) knows the answer to these questions.  But these questions lead to many more…

Christopher Knaus, Cabinet documents reveal Australia pushed interests of oil and gas corporates before Timor-Leste bugging, The Guardian, 2 February, 2022.
Meanwhile Bernard Collaery and Witness K have suffered enormously. As have the other people of integrity subject to unjust prosecutions not in the public interest brought by the CDPP, Major David McBride and Richard Boyle.

Don’t miss a new play addressing the Timor-Leste bugging:
“Everything Working As Intended, dad
Written and directed by Sophie Florence Ward

 After uncovering the secret bugging operation Australia carried out in Timor-Leste, lawyer Bernard Collaery begins a journey through the arcane justice system to hold the government accountable. “Everything Working As Intended, dad” is a playful theatre work written and directed by Sophie Florence Ward decoding the real-life prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K. Written and performed by young emerging artists, the play simultaneously explores the role young people play in politics, and questions the responsibility of political theatre when portraying real-life people and events. 

Performance details:

Where: 107 in Redfern (107 Redfern St, Redfern NSW 2016)

When: February 9th – 13th and 16th – 20th

Ticket link

When selecting a ticket, be sure to select one for “Everything Working As Intended, dad”.

Donation/Season pass link:

Send this to any Sydney friends!!

The Alliance Against Political Prosecutions is seeking a part time organiser and communications manager to make our campaign more effective in the lead up to the elections.  Please help circulate the attached ad for the position far and wide. The person can be located in any Australian state.  The closing date for applications is 6pm Tues 15 February.

Thanks to Optical Superstores for sponsorship making this possible and if anyone else would like to contribute to our campaign, bank transfers are welcome: AAPP Bendigo Bank BSB 633 000  Acct No 184 383 297. 
Please keep those letters to the media and MPs going as well as phone calls.

Suggested recipients:

PM Morrison –  (02) 9523 0339

FM Marise Payne – (02) 9687 8755

CDPP Sarah McNaughton – (02) 9321 1100 or or Locked Bag A4020, Sydney South NSW 1235   You could inquire as to the public interest in the prosecution/s.Please keep all communications respectful.
For justice and democracy